Leading SMEs of India 2023

24 | Leading SMEs of India 2023 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] Nidhi Bhasin Lead – Chief Executive Officer Nasscom Foundation government schemes effectively. What are the initiatives taken by nasscom foundation to promote women entrepreneurship, skilling and digital literacy? Our initiatives are designed to take technology to the last mile and bridge the digital divide. From digital literacy and skilling and employability to promoting women entrepreneurship, we are committed to using technology for social good. Our Women Entrepreneurship Program equips rural women with digital l iteracy, financial management, and entrepreneurial skills to empower their journey towardseconomicgrowth.Through collaboration with organizations and government support, the program has empowered over 1,00,000 women beneficiaries. Ou r As p i r a t i ona l D i s t r i c t s Programme focuses on enhancing digital l iteracy and providing government e-services through Digi tal Resource Centers in underserved areas. These centres act as change agents and engines of development, ensuring they provide need-based information, r esou r ces and an a r r ay o f government-based services, that will positively impact citizens’ lives and their livelihoods. Our Skilling and Employability programstrives toprepare a future- ready workforce by imparting industry-relevant technical and soft skills to youth, women, PwDs etc. from marginalized communities in Tier I I , I I I , and rural areas. With support from renowned tech organizat ions, we of fer technical skills training in areas like Cloud Computing, AI, and Cybersecurity, enabling them to access employment opportunities How does the industry association support the government campaign of Aatmanirbhar Bharat? It is crucial for policy makers, industry leaders, and private entities to collectively focus on rural areas, informal sectors and grassroots and integrate them into the ecosystem. The government’s Aatmanirbhar Bharat campaign is also backed by the industry association,whichprovides support through various means such as policy advocacy, capacity building, market access, and mentorship. Collaborations and partnerships with relevant stakeholders are established to facilitate knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and innovation, thereby enhancing the ecosystem of self-reliance. From Nasscom Foundation perspective, we believe that digitization is the key driving force to achieve inclusive and self-reliant growth. How does nasscom foundation support SMEs in their growth journey? Nasscom Foundation is dedicated to nurtur ing the growth and prosperity of small and medium en t e r p r i s e s ( SME s ) owned especiallybywomenentrepreneurs in rural areas of India. To a c h i e v e t h i s , we h a v e implemented comprehensive digi tal t raining programs in collaboration with our esteemed technical partners. Through these programs, we provide training to women entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, including artisans, agripreneurs, tailors, and cattle breeders. Our efforts have resulted in a remarkable impact, particularly in the widespread adopt ion of digital payment platforms, significant increase in the usage o f sma r t phone s , enab l i ng en t r ep r eneu r s t o enhance thei r business act ivi t ies and unde r s t and i ng o f r e l evan t Dun & Bradstreet