Leading SMEs of India 2023

66 | Leading SMEs of India 2023 [ INDIAN SME SECTOR OVERVIEW ] Share of MSME in Global Inquiries Region-wise Global Inquires Source: D&B Data Cloud Chemical companies spread in India: Major states Source: D&B Data Cloud D&B DATA CLOUD CHEMICAL SECTOR: GLOBAL INQUIRIES OVERVIEW • Global enquires for chemical sector jumped 5 times since 2019, with 2022 seeing ~ 800 inquiries per day. • Wholesale trade witnessed maximum 8 times increase and miscellaneous retail witnessed 6 times rise in global inquiries. • MSMEs accounted for ~65% of the inquiries done by global customers in 2022, up from 47% in 2019. • Whi le three- four th of the i nqu i r i es are f rom Nor th America, there isgrowing trends in inquries from European countries. Dun & Bradstreet