The Next Big Leap

10 | The Next Big Leap OVERVIEW OF START-UP ECOSYSTEM IN INDIA T his decade can be named the decade of start-ups, as the rise of various start-ups can be seen globally, with India beingno exception. India’s start-up journey began mainly with IT (software) services. However, over the period, India has seen significant diversification in the start- up sectors ranging from health, IT, logistics, clean energy, e-commerce, climate tech, and deep tech. This impressive growth of the Indian start- up ecosystem is supported by a strong network of angel investors, Venture Capitalists (VC) and Private Equity (PE) firms. PE/VC investments in India have shown some short-termvolatility owing to the changing investors’ appetite globally, but the long-term outlook for investments in Indian start-ups is still optimistic. CURRENT SCENARIO OF INDIAN START-UPS Over the last few years, India’s ent repreneur ship and s tar t -up An entity is considered as a start-up: i. Upto a period of 10 years from the date of incorporation/registration ii. If turnover of the entity since its incorporation/registration has not exceeded ` 250 crores for any financial year iii. If entity is working towards innovation, development or improvement of products or processes or services or has high potential of employment generation or wealth creation. landscape has witnessed enormous growth, transforming India into the world’s third largest start-up ecosystem, trailing only the United States and China. Dun & Bradstreet