The Next Big Leap
18 | The Next Big Leap [ OVERVIEW OF START-UP ECOSYSTEM IN INDIA ] At theend, over 50%of the respondents cited increased focus on sustainability and social responsibility and a shift towards subscription-based business models as the key emerging trends that will have the biggest impact on start-ups in the next five years. This is indicative of shifting focus towards profitability and quality of business. Trends that will have the biggest impact on start-ups in the next five years Source: Dun & Bradstreet India KEY TRENDS IN START-UP INVESTMENTS IN 2022 The growing recessionary fears and geo-political tensions led investors to reanalyse their start-up investment plans. While this had a significant bearing on the capital inflows to Indian start-ups, the strong economic fundamentals helped the ecosystem r ema i n r e s i l i en t . F a v ou r ab l e demographics, fiscal &monetarypolicy discipline, scaled digital adoption, and a positive economic outlook enabled India to remain attractive for global investors. The key trends that emerged in 2022 in terms of investment in the start-up ecosystem are as below: Dun & Bradstr et
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