Unleashing Power of Data

8 | Unleashing Power of Data [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] Shri. Darshan H.V, IAS, Director Department of Electronics Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology Government of Karnataka Thestateof Karnataka’s journey into the data-driven age is a remarkable one, deeply embedded in its history andpoweredby a relentless spirit of progress. Karnataka’s tech ecosystem, with Bengaluru as its epicenter, is aplacewheredata isn’t just information but the lifeblood of innovationandprogress. Karnataka is the state where we witness the convergence of data science, artificial intelligence, and cutting- edge technologies, leading to groundbreaking discoveries. The following are some of the major aspects of the state of Karnataka which drives data driven culture and innovation. ƒ Karnataka is the fourth largest technology cluster in the world. ƒ The total FDI inf lows to K a r n a t a k a i n 2 0 2 2 - 2 3 amounted to USD 39.36 billion, which was 23% of India’s total FDI. Karnataka stoodsecondamong10 Indian states, in terms of quantum of FDI inflows. ƒ Karnataka has the 4th largest skilled workforce in India. ƒ Benga luru houses 485+ Global Capability Centers (GCCs), of which the highest share belongs to AI/ML GCC units in India, at 43% ƒ Bengaluru is ranked 8th as per Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2023 by Startup Blink – the only Indian City to be featured in top 10. Along with these achievements, the Government of Karnataka is resolutely dedicated to securing future readiness through a suite of strategic endeavors, which include substantial investments in human capital advancement, the cul t ivat ion of innovat ion ecosystems, and the nurturing of global partnerships to reinforce the state’s future robustness. Below mentioned are the elaboration of various initiatives to drive future growth ƒ Skills: The Government of Karnataka is signi f icant ly prioritizing skill development, recognizing the imperative of cultivating a proficient w o r k f o r c e e q u i p p e d w i t h f u t u r e - o r i e n t e d competencies. This impetus has led to establish a Skill Advisory Committee focused on emerging technologies, engag i ng i ndus t r y and academia as the collaborators. This committee symbolizes the government’s resolute dedication to actively engage with industry stakeholders, thereby reaffirming Karnataka government unwaver ing c omm i tme n t t o f u t u r e readiness. ƒ Centre of Excellence: The Government of Karnataka has a long history of fostering innovation ecosystems. It has been exempl i f ied by establishment of 11 Centers of Excellence, across domains like aerospace, cybersecurity, agr i - innovat ion, machine learning & robotics, deeptech, and IoT amongst others. These Centers of Excellence have been invaluable in nurturing andgrowingseveral successful startups that have challenged the status quo in technology. Further, government plans In the digi tal age, data has emerged as the l i feblood of modern businesses, transforming the way they operate, innovate, and connect wi th customers. The power of data extends far beyond numbers and statistics; it’s a strategic asset that empowers organizations to make informed dec i s ions , dr i ve innovat ion, and gain a competitive edge in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. As businesses embark on their journey to harness the power of data, cultivating a data-driven culture becomes essential. This involves fostering an environment where data is valued, insights are sought after, and decisions are rooted in evidence. It requires investing in the right technologies, equipping teams with data literacy ski l ls, and ensuring that data privacy and ethics are upheld at every stage. Dun & Bradstreet