Unleashing Power of Data

Unleashing Power of Data | 9 [ EXPERT’S VIEW ] to establish new Centers of Excellence in health science a n d me d i c a l d e v i c e s , manufacturing, automotive technology, a biotechnology accelerator, and a dedicated gaming accelerator. ƒ Global Innovation Alliance (GIA) : The GIA ini t iat ive enables the partner countries to host technology sessions, forge connect ions wi thin ecosystems, faci l itate the exchange of ideas andmentor i nd i v i dua l s , par t i cu l ar l y startups. This is made possible through coveted Market Access Programme, aimed at supporting startups from Karnataka in their journey to grow and extend beyond domestic borders. ƒ Multi-National Corporation Cell (MNC) cell: The MNC cell helps organize industry led sessions and initiatives for various stakeholders in the Karnataka innovat ion ecosystem, especial ly for startups. The cell currently engages with top names in the state to help nurture the ecosystem stakeholders. ƒ Cluster Development Model: Karnataka is furtherdeveloping various clusters and is keen t o expand i nve s tmen t s outside Bengaluru to create more business hubs across the state, ensuring uniform and s u s t a i ned g r ow t h . The government initiative ‘Beyond Bengaluru’ focuses on Information Technology & Biotechnology services and electronics manufacturing in tier 2 towns. T h e s e u n c o u n t a b l e n e w endeavours have been possible due to Karnataka government’s forward-thinking and progressive IT policies. The state government of Karnataka has recognized the power of technology and has act ively harnessed i t for the betterment of the state and the entire nation. Karnataka’s government has consistent ly striven to attract investments, both domestic and international, in the technology sector. These i nves tmen t s have no t on l y boosted state economy but have also provided count less job opportunities for skilledworkforce. The Karnataka’s government initiatives to support startups and innovation have been game- changer s . Through va r i ous programs, grants, and incentives, it has fostered entrepreneurship, leading to the birth of innovative solutions that are addressing real-world challenges. It is easy to say that Karnataka’s prowess in data transcends the business world. We sincerely hope that this report and its findings lead to some strong collaborations with data, Information Technology ecosystem companies. Dun & Bradstreet