Unleashing Power of Data

20 | Unleashing Power of Data [ THE EVOLUTION OF BIG DATA ] unstructured data. Referred to non-relational types of databases, NoSQL databases have been designed for data access patterns entailing low-latency application. Anon-relational DataManagement System, NoSQL databases lays emphasis on flexible data models that can adapt to changes in data structures and are capable of scaling horizontally to handle growing amounts of data. CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing has undergone substantial development from its origins to become a vital service that many modern organizations operate on today. The pandemic accelerated the business adoption of cloud services as businesses switched to online services and infrastructure to accommodate remote employees and customer demand. Cloud Computing technology he l ps compan i e s t o s t o r e thei r important data in data centers that are remote, as it saves their infrastructure cost and maintenance costs. Cloud comput ing has evolved from the most emerged technologies i n di s t r ibuted comput a t i on environment wi th web-based platforms. MACHINE LEARNING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence and necessary aspect of modern bus iness , focusses on the adoption of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans perform, gradually improving its accuracy. Machine learning algor i thms work on large data, and analysis is done on a huge amount of data to get meaningful insights from it, resulting to the development of ar t i f icial intel l igence (AI ) applications. AI facilitates the use of big data in a manner intended by organizations, as machine learning models are act i vated. Machine learning drives the process of big data contributing to experience-based learning spread across various industries. INTERNET OF THINGS The Internet of Things ( IoT) , representing thenext technological revolution enables data-driven processes and automation across a wide range of sectors and industries. With the emergence of low-cost computer chips and the boundless use of wireless networks, Internet of Things has become the future of technology. The Internet of Things refers to the interconnectedness of everyday objects and devices wi th the Internet , faci l i tat ing communication among them. Connecting thedigital andphysical worlds, IoT has been transforming the world to be a smarter andmore responsive place EDGE COMPUTING Wi t h t he augmen t a t i on o f IoT devices, such as sensors, autonomous vehicles, and smart appliances, there has been a huge influx of data generated at the edge of the network. Edge computing refers to the prac t i ce of process i ng and analyzing data closer to the source of generation, such as at the edge of the network rather than relying on a centralized cloud server. This computing practice helps in real-time processing, reduced latency, improved bandwidth usage, enhanced security, and greater scalability. The development of distributed architectures has ventured new possibilities for managing the growing data. As the importance of big data increases, the world can expect additional evolution in the landscape of database management system. Businesses that manage their big data better wi l l be able to expand more successfully and have superior deci s ion-making abi l i t ies as compared to their peers. IMPACT OF BIG DATA ON DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Large data quant i t ies , real - time processing, and support for advanced analytics are now requ i rement s for Da t abase Management System (DBMS). The DBMS landscape has witnessed tremendous transformation as a result of big data. The impact of big data on DBMS can be described as follows: ƒ Scalability: To address the risingneed for dataprocessing and storage, DBMS must be Dun & Bradstreet