Unleashing Power of Data

32 | Unleashing Power of Data [ HOW AI IS CHANGING THE BUSINESS LANDSCAPE ] HEALTHCARE AI is revolutionizing healthcare by imp r ov i ng d i agnos t i c s , drug discovery, personal ized treatment plans, developing new pharmaceuticals and streamlining clinical processes. AI algorithms can analyze medical data, assist in diagnosing diseases, and predict patient outcomes more accurately. According to Statista, a global data and business intelligence platform, AI healthcare market, valued at USD 11 bn in 2021, is estimated to grow to USD 187 bn in 2030. According to Prescient & Strategic Intelligence, the global AI transportation industry was worth USD 1.4 bn dollars in 2017 and is estimated to grow to USD 3.5 bn by 2023. By adopting AI in the healthcare industry, medical professionals are abl e to make informed decisions on the basis of accurate information. Other benefits include reduction in timeandcosts, thereby improving the overall medical records management . From identifying new cancer treatments to improving patient experiences, this disruptive technology has been leading the way towards a future where patients receive quality care and treatment in a precisemanner. AI-powered virtual nurses and healthmonitoring systems provide individualized healthcare advice and remote patient monitoring. Using AI in heal thcare, such as machine learning, enables medical professionals to find previously unknown correlations between diseases or identifyminor changes in vital signs that could be symptoms of a possible issue. Deep learning AI is adopted to speed up disease detection, create individualized treatment plans, and even automate some procedures like drug discovery or testing. Wi th the development of AI- powered medi cal tool s and intelligent algorithms that are able to interpret large data sets, the potential for using AI in health data applications is limitless. TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS T h e eme r g e n c e o f A I i n transportation sector has been groundbreaking, AI is driving advancements in autonomous vehicles, making self-driving cars a reality. AI systems can analyze traffic patterns, optimize routes, and enhance overall transportation efficiency and safety. Logistics processes are streamlined using AI -based opt imizat ion algorithms, which also lower costs and accelerate delivery times. Dun & Bradstreet