Unleashing Power of Data

34 | Unleashing Power of Data [ HOW AI IS CHANGING THE BUSINESS LANDSCAPE ] AI has the potential to boost educational results and make learning more accessible and engaging through personalized l e a r n i n g , a dm i n i s t r a t i v e automat ion, and data-dr iven knowledge. The industry has witnessed collaborative efforts b e t w e e n A I d e v e l o p e r s , educat ional inst i tut ions, and researchers. MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT The media and entertainment sectors have always been early adopters of modern technologies, thereby embracing the digital revolution. AI has emerged as an influential tool in the fields of game creation, filmmaking, and advertising, revolutionizing creative processes in a variety of industries. AI -dr iven technologies, such as content recommendat ion systems and streaming platforms, customize entertainment options based on user preferences , behavior, and historical data. This enhances viewing or listening experience, thereby bui lding satisfactory customer experience. AI in combination with virtual reality and augmented reality technologies produces immersive gaming and narrative experiences. Automated content moderation tool s are des igned to f i l ter undesirable or prohibited content for regions under di f ferent regulatory bodies. AI-generated content has been emerging as a distinctive feature of themedia and entertainment sector. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AI has been revolutionizing the convent ional manufactur ing p r o c e s s e s a nd i mp r o v i ng product ivi ty, ef f iciency, and decision-making in industrial companies. AI is being used to boost production times in manufacturing plants in what is referred to as the ‘Industry 4.0’ period. By leveraging pattern recognition techniques, AI tools can process and interpret vast volumes of data from the production floor to spot patterns, access and predict consumer behavior , ident i fy deviations in production processes in real -t ime that may speci fy potential issues. Organizations will be able to automate a range of production processes, including assembly, material handl ing, packing, and even complex activities requiring expertise and precision, by fusing AI algorithms with robotic systems. According to report of MarketsandMarkets Research, the AI in agriculture market is estimated to rise from USD 1.7 bn in 2023 to USD 4.7 bn by 2028. AGRICULTURE Techno l ogy ha s r ede f i ned agriculture and farming in the recent past and technological advances have af fected the industry in several ways. AI - powered predict ive analyt ics has been a gamechanger in the agr ibusinesses. Farmers can gather, and process data efficiently with AI. Additionally, AI algorithms can analyze market demand, forecast prices, determine optimal Dun & Bradstr et