Unleashing Power of Data

Unleashing Power of Data | 35 [ HOW AI IS CHANGING THE BUSINESS LANDSCAPE ] times for sowing and harvesting, monitor soil quality and enable autonomous crop management. Today, ability of AI goes far beyond than raising crop yields and cutting production costs. IoT sensors is utilized in AI-based irrigation systems and has been capable of delivering strategic insights into the scheduled times to water crops. Farmers can identify diseases, pests, or nutritional deficits at the initial stages of framing owing to AI-powered drones and satellite images that analyze crop health. POWER A I ha s been c r ea t i ng new opportunities for power companies to improve efficiency, optimize performance, drive innovation, and accelerate growth. The algorithms examine data from smart meters and sensors to forecast energy demand, t hu s e n ab l i ng u t i l i t i e s t o opt imi ze energy generat ion and d i s t r i bu t i on . A I - based predictive maintenance systems monitor energy infrastructure and detect incons i s tenc ies , reducing downtime and boosting maintenance efficiency. AI helps identify energy-saving opportunities and supports the integration of renewable energy sources. The power sector has a bright future with the advent of AI-managed smart grids if implemented wel l. AI powers electrical grids that allow two-way communication between utilities and consumers. HUMAN RESOURCES According to an article published by Gartner, 81% of HR leaders have explored or implemented AI solutions to improve process efficiencywithin their organizations. Technology advancements in AI have transformed the human resources division. AI is being used in the human resources sector to help drive decisions about hiring, retention, performance reviews and overall employee development. AI can also be used to automate tasks like payroll and benefits administration, along with creation of new policies, contracts, j ob desc r i pt i ons , i nt er v i ew questions, etc. AI-driven solution helps to ease the workload of HR professionals and enhances the overall employer- employee experience. SMART HOMES Sma r t home s a r e g r ow i ng in popularity, as they provide homeowners with convenience, e n e r g y e f f i c i e n c y , a n d customization. AI enables the automation and control of various devices in our homes, such as smart lighting systems, security cameras, and appliances, making our lives more convenient and efficient. Homeowners have been using AI to conserve energy by setting devices to automatically turn off when not in use, using smart thermostats jointly with automated sun shadings to optimize energy usage , and reduc i ng water consumption. With the presence of AI-powered gadgets, homeowners have more control over their living areas, resulting in more individualized experience. Leveraging the latest t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d tools and data-driven actionable insights are at the core of AI shaping several industries. The future of using AI in var ious indust r ies is undoubtedly bright and filled with possibilities for further innovation. Dun & Bradstreet