Unleashing Power of Data

Unleashing Power of Data | 37 [ HOW AI IS CHANGING THE BUSINESS LANDSCAPE ] FINAL THOUGHTS Today, advances in technology have changed the ways people work, and artificial intelligence could be the next big disruptor in the coming years. According to recent research of McKinsey and Company, Most respondents reporting AI- related revenue increases within each business function usingAI. And looking ahead, more than two-thirds expect their organizations to increase their AI investment over the next three years. Businesses have been welcoming the benefits of AI and automation, however we ought to prepare for major disruptions to work. Industr ies and organizat ions must continual ly val idate the performance and transparency of AI. If there are any deviations, the algorithms must be investigated and accordingly measures should be taken. As a matter of fact, companies c o l l a b o r a t i v e l y w i t h t h e governments ought to harness automation and AI to benefit from the enhanced performance and productivity contributions as well as the societal benefits. Dun & Bradstreet