Unleashing Power of Data

40 | Unleashing Power of Data [ TRANSFORMING BUSINESS WITH GENERATIVE AI: UNLOCKING NEW POSSIBILITIES ] GENERATIVE AI INFLUENCE ON NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, SALES AND MARKETING, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE? ƒ Generative AI with LLM modules gives organization better and much faster response and experience. In terms of marketing and product development, it gives a precise result. If enabled well, Generative AI is very important in terms of operations and support. ƒ Generative AI helps in creating personalized advertisements that build strong connections with individuals while optimizing labour-intensive content generating procedures. ƒ For software engineering, Generative AI helps in reducing time and improve productivity. With its ability to automate repetitive tasks such as data, text and videos, developer can focus on more complex aspect. ƒ The GPT 4 LLM assist is accurate sentimental analysis of the customer. Innovative AI and Generative AI can create customer message in the customer analytics area. MULTIMODALITY IN GENERATIVE AI MODELS – APPLICATION AND CHALLENGES ƒ Multimodal generative AI models have the potential to generate more natural and engaging interactions with virtual assistants and chatbots, resulting in a more personalized and immersive experience for the user. ƒ The modalities of data that we have today versus what could potentially come in future, will evolve, and transform. ƒ Developing and training multimodal generative AI models can be challenging, as it requires large amounts of diverse data and specialized training techniques ƒ One of the key challenges in developing and training multimodal generative AI models is the need for large and diverse datasets that include multiple modalities. Dun & Bradstreet