Unleashing Power of Data

Unleashing Power of Data | 41 [ TRANSFORMING BUSINESS WITH GENERATIVE AI: UNLOCKING NEW POSSIBILITIES ] BEST PRACTICES ABOUT DATA AND COMPLIANCES WHILE DEPLOYING GENERATIVE AI MODELS ƒ Responsible AI as a field has been evolving. With respect to best practices, the first dimension is people. Are the people (coders, developers or data scientists) able to use the things properly? Hence, skill development of people along with enhancing organizational capability is required. ƒ The second dimension of best practice includes processes. Organization needs to have a process to identify before company start the Generative AI project. Additionally, one must focus on increasing the productivity. ƒ The intent of implementing Generative AI must be clear with respect to the business and project. Some of the aspects that the leader should consider are data governance and transparency. Leaders should pay attention to the cost, time and training aspect while implementing Generative AI ƒ A major challenge of implementing Generative AI is the cost of re- training. The technology cost to build something from the scratch is massively high, beyond budgets for majority of companies. GENERATIVE AI USE CASE ON HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY ƒ Hospitals employ Generative AI tools to enhance the traditional AI’s diagnostic abilities. This technology can convert poor-quality scans into high-resolution medical images with great details, apply anomaly detection AI algorithms, and present the results to radiologists. ƒ Generative AI helps to reduce the wastage and excess purchase, thereby saving costs. ƒ Healthcare industry is bringing AI along with predictive analysis to show what is the stock availability within in the form of drugs, consumer bills, fast moving products, slow moving products amongst others. ƒ Algorithms can spot skin cancer, lung cancer, hidden fractures, early signs of Alzheimer’s, diabetic retinopathy, and more. Clinical data lake consists of data of EMR, HIS, LIS, digital pathologies which is helpful in the cancer industry. ƒ With the help of Generative AI, healthcare industry can identify and read through the entire hospital or patient documentation. Dun & Bradstreet