Unleashing Power of Data

48 | Unleashing Power of Data [ DECODING “THE DIGITAL PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT, 2023” ] EXEMPTIONS The Act provides a number of exemptions from its requirements, including for: CONCLUSION The D i g i t a l Pe r sona l Da t a Protection Act, 2023 is a significant step forward in India’s efforts to protect the privacy of its citizens. The Act gives individuals a number of new rights over their personal data and imposes a number of obligations on organizations that collect, use, or share personal data. India’s new Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act is a critical step towards bolstering data protection in the country’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. It joins the Digital India Bill and the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022 as a key piece of legislation addressing the governance of personal data in India. The DPDP Act has a broad scope, extending beyond the borders of India to encompass digital personal data processing activities abroad. This applies specifically to organizations offering goods or services to individuals in India or engaging in the profiling of Indian citizens. Indoing so, theAct fortifies data protection measures for both Indian citizens’ data processed within India and abroad. Dun & Bradstreet