Unleashing Power of Data

58 | Unleashing Power of Data [ POWER OF DATA TO FAST-TRACK ESG GOALS ] fai l ing to meet their ESG goals. The two most common consequences of fa i l ing to meet ESG goals were increased operational risk and increased financial risk. As the forces of geopolitics and global climate change impact the value chain and means of production, firms must bolster their bottom line and proactively leverage ESG data to strengthen their resilience against disruptive events. What effects has your organization experienced because of the challenges meeting ESG goals? Source: Forrester Consulting and D&B Analysis ƒ Alackof resourcesundermines ESG impact: Collecting and analyzing ESG data is hard. Two-thirds of respondents agreed thi s means thei r firms struggle to quantify the impact of their current progress. And 63% agreed their companies are unable to measure the long-term impact of their ESG goals. 47% of respondents said their firms would disregard ESG data when they lack the resources to effectively analyze it. And, when their companies lack confidence in the data, nearly half of respondents said they would ignore ESG data if it conflicts with business goals, such as hitting a revenue target. Under what circumstances, would your organization choose to disregard or ignore ESG data? Source: Forrester Consulting and D&B Analysis Dun & Bradstreet