Unleashing Power of Data

60 | Unleashing Power of Data [ POWER OF DATA TO FAST-TRACK ESG GOALS ] Additionally, 37% said disaggregated ESG sources prevent their companies from achieving their ESG goals. What are your organization’s top 5 ESG challenges? Source: Forrester Consulting and D&B Analysis KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ESG is having more and more impact in businesses, across all departments, from product to finance, marketing, procurement, and risk. The expectations of ESG transparency are also felt through each layer of supply chains, from investors considering loans to a business, and even new hires. Leaders working with ESG understand that this is not just data, but the key to tomorrow’s competitiveness and innovation. ƒ Understand your business’s a c t u a l E SG e x po s u r e : Comp l i a n c e add r e s s e s regulators’ ESG concerns (wh i ch a r e i nc r eas i ng ) , but a broader perspective i s r equ i r ed t o c ap t u r e t h e E SG e x p e c t a t i o n s o f o t he r s t a k eho l de r s . Mater ial i ty mapping and a s ses s i ng ex t e r na l and internal stakeholders’ ESG expectations helps businesses look beyond compl iance to the real ESG risks and oppor tuni t ies facing the business. ƒ Ma k e E SG e x c e l l e n c e part of everyone’s job: A sustainability or ESG lead working in i solat ion wi l l not improve a company’s performance. Many boards have pushed ESG-related Dun & Bradstreet