Business Across Borders 2021

In recent years, the global center for economic activities has shifted to Asia, with China and India having risen as the key growth drivers for the world economy. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted global supply chains. While the rise of Asia and the unprecedented global crisis have led to newer risks for all businesses globally, these developments also present the perfect opportunity for exporters, especially within India, to reset and re-strategize their plans to push self-reliance and capability building in the industry over the coming years. Indian exporters now also have an opportunity to increase their influence in the global value chain.

Recognizing the pivotal role that exports play in India’s economic growth, and its stature in the global landscape, Dun & Bradstreet hosted a virtual event ‘Business Across Borders 2021’, with the central theme ‘Carving a Niche in the Global Value Chain’.

About the Publication

One of the key highlights of the ‘Business Across Borders 2021’ event was the digital launch of the publication ‘Business Across Borders 2021’. The publication has an exhaustive list of the leading (~1,500) Exporters across India and profiles around 500 outstanding Indian exporters among them. The publication dwells upon the recent trends in India’s exports. It also sheds light on the impact of the pandemic on supply chains and trade dynamics across the globe and new perspectives on global supply chains for the post-pandemic world. It was circulated through digital platforms and was also made available for download on Dun & Bradstreet’s website.

Our Dignitaries


Dr. Ajay Sahai,

Director General & CEO,

Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO)


Mr. Avinash Gupta

Managing Director

Dun & Bradstreet India


Prof. Bernard Hoekman,

Professor and Director, Global Economics,

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies,
European University Institute


Mr. Praveen Mahto

Economic Adviser, Dept. of Commerce,
Ministry of Commerce & Industry,

Government of India


The Dun & Bradstreet's Business Across Borders 2021 Grand Virtual Event

Mr. Rajesh Sharma, Ion Exchange (India) Limited

Mr. Erik Illig, Managing Director, Wilhelm Textiles Limited

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