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Kindly brief us on the courses offered by IBS Business School to foster entrepreneurship and innovation in India.
Entrepreneurship has been on the agenda of IBS. We have been organizing conclaves, workshops and interaction with successful
entrepreneurs to learn about entrepreneurship from their firsthand experience. IBS Mumbai established a link with the Essex School
of Business and Entrepreneurship in UK which enables us to keep ourselves updated about new developments in the area.
By an arrangement started with Essex University, a program called ‘Venture Academy’ for entrepreneurship was organized for three
years offering joint certification with Essex University. A few students have now started venturing into their own enterprises with
innovative ideas. It is now proposed to establish an incubation center to promote entrepreneurship among students. Regular inputs in
the program are also being offered as a part of our PGPM program.
Kindly provide the details of your B-school’s reach across India and expansion plans.
IBS Business School is comprised of campuses covering all parts of India. Like Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Dehradun and Jaipur. This gives us a Pan India presence and reach. Plans for expansion are on the drawing board and may take shape over the next one or two years.
In your opinion, how can industry-academia tie-up bolster the availability of skilled workforce in India? What initiatives are necessary from industry bodies, academia and government to ensure a successful industry academia tie-up?
The focus on business education in India has been primarily on academics with much smaller emphasis on skill development. At IBS campuses, we do recognize the need for developing management skills of analysis, critical thinking, reasoning, service to the society and various soft skills. We are unique in the sense that unlike other management schools, we have woven soft skills development program into the MBA/ PGPM course through a course each semester. We have had a close working relationship with professional bodies like Local Management Associations through which the students and faculty get exposure to skills that industry requires of the students. We believe that a close interface with industry is critical to management education and therefore our program includes 12- 14 weeks of Summer Internship which enables the students to learn hands on the skills involved in industry work. We do believe the tie up between the industry and students should be further enhanced to the benefit of students and industry.
What role do you envisage for IBS Business School to play in skilling of India’s workforce?
We believe that management schools like IBS Campuses can play an added role in developing skills of the workforce in industry by providing time for faculty and students to interact fruitfully with managers and other levels in industrial organizations for mutual learning. Given their competencies, students and faculty could also contribute through National Skill Development Mission of the Government of India.
Kindly elaborate on your B-school’s vision and its future plans.
The vision of IBS Mumbai is to emerge as an institution of choice for development of leaders of tomorrow with a glocal perspective.
The requirement of building leadership is being actively pursued in our functioning specially through the mentoring and counseling
sessions conducted by the faculty with the students throughout the year.
We are actively striving to enhance our focus on ‘Action Learning’ and ‘Learning by Doing’. We also propose to step up our efforts to
forge living linkages with professional bodies and NGOs both nationally and internationally.